Movember: Improving Mental Health in the Workplace
Let’s be honest. With extended lockdowns and plenty of negativity in the news, COVID-19 didn’t exactly improve our collective mental health. Still, one positive to come out of the pandemic is that it highlighted the importance of mental well-being in the workplace — especially for those of us working in the telecommunications sector and facing […]
Keeping 2023 Unified: Contact Centre Trends for the New Year
It’s no surprise that new tech and bigger, faster data have changed how we work and communicate. But with more and more businesses moving online, the pressure on contact centres is ramping up with no signs of slowing down. Now, customers expect to connect with agents however they want, whenever they want. And they expect […]
Crisis Averted: How Can Telecom Resellers Adapt Portfolios?
It’s no secret that there’s been a lot of uncertainty in the air as we experience the biggest cost-of-living hike in more than four decades. The Bank of England has warned us the UK’s heading into a recession as the high rate of inflation squeezes incomes for millions across the country. It was probably inevitable, […]
Hold the Phone: Dan Whitehouse is On the Line
This June, Invosys welcomed a new member into the mix. Dan Whitehouse started his career in telecommunications back in 2009. It’s safe to say he stumbled into the industry after a knee injury halted his professional football career with West Bromwich Albion FC, but he quickly found his footing in a customer service role for […]
Tis’ the Season for Professional Telco Services…
Ah, Christmas. For many people, it’s the most wonderful time of year. Businesses, on the other hand… Frantic customers. Last-minute requests. An enormous rush to get everything done before businesses close up for the year. Not to mention higher than average call volumes — ouch. In the UK, the average employee turnover is 15% — […]
Connectivity: Extending the UK FTTP Footprint
Copper wires have been the backbone of UK comms since 1911, so the task of replacing this sprawling network is a mammoth undertaking. For years, BT Openreach and Virgin Media — the UK’s biggest telecom carriers — have dominated the market. But with just three (and a half) years left to upgrade the country’s entire […]
Invosys Flow: More Than Just Unified Communications
Take a minute to observe your day-to-day life. How many aspects of it can be carried out with immediacy? Order online and get next-day delivery. Google the weather and know what to wear for the upcoming week. Open your social media apps and see what your friends are doing this very second… Technology is evolving […]
24/7 Support in Your Career: Work with Invosys
There’s no doubt that our world is digital. The way we communicate, shop, entertain and learn. But what about the extraordinary behind-the-scenes technology that makes it possible for us to be so connected? What about those building the infrastructure that our digital world relies on? The telecommunications industry is booming. There are more opportunities than […]
Adapt or Die: the 2022 Blueprint for Telco
Telecommunications has always been an ever-changing industry. Performance standards are constantly being set, and new competition is met daily — particularly in the wake of recent events. The last two years have further emphasised how important it is for businesses to change with the times. In 2022, telcos find themselves at a crossroads: they can […]
Inbound Telephony Just Gained a New Player…
This April, a new member joined our ever-expanding team. Trevor Slingo started his career at BT in 2016 as an account manager. With limited experience in the telco industry (imagine the number of acronyms he had to learn…), Trevor leaned into support and training to become a specialist in the outbound side of things, selling […]