
How to report an issue with Invosys

You may be able to diagnose any issues through the below checks. If an issue is found from initial diagnostics, all the relevant information can be provided to Invosys — we’ll then take it from there, performing our own checks and reporting issues to our network suppliers.

Initial diagnosis checks

If any issues are found during the initial diagnostic checks, please send a confirmation of all the above along with any other relevant information, symptoms and affected calling line identification (CLIs) to A support ticket will automatically be raised and communicated back to you.

What can you expect from us?

We endeavour to resolve all issues as swiftly as possible, but as issues may need to be passed on to network suppliers, some may take longer to fix. We’ll always add the target fix time and priority level to all tickets. 

Out-of-hours fault reporting

Technical issues don’t always happen during standard office hours (Monday to Friday 9:00–17:00). That’s why we offer a 24/7 fault reporting facility for service-affecting issues. To report a fault out of hours, complete the same initial diagnostic checks to establish the issue, gather all relevant information and send it to*.

*Where further investigations reveal there to be no fault, Invosys reserves the right to make appropriate engineer charges at £50 per hour (or part thereof) for any non-service affecting issues reported out of hours without appropriate first-line diagnostic checks.

Need further portal training to help you run diagnostics? Please contact your dedicated Invosys account manager to set this up.