Take a minute to observe your day-to-day life. How many aspects of it can be carried out with immediacy? Order online and get next-day delivery. Google the weather and know what to wear for the upcoming week. Open your social media apps and see what your friends are doing this very second…

Technology is evolving at an overwhelmingly fast rate, where everything is available to us at the touch of a button or a simple voice command. In a society that’s more digital than we could have ever imagined, the buzzword is ‘instant’. We’re becoming less accustomed to having to wait for, well, anything really.

So, why should carrying out the day-to-day tasks at work be any different?

At Invosys, our buzzword is ‘unified’.

Creating effortless communication

Earlier this year, Invosys partnered with Telavox, a leading specialist in unified communications as a service (UCaaS) solutions, with the idea to collaborate with one goal: to innovate how our customers communicate. Let us introduce Invosys Flow…

Our Invosys Flow hosted solution is a practical, fully featured unified communications platform that allows businesses to manage costs, users and security through a single portal — removing the need to switch between disperate platforms.

As any employer knows, the opportunity for employees to communicate effectively — in real-time — is critical for the day-to-day running of a business.

With video calling, instant messaging and inbound and outbound calling, Invosys Flow users can keep in touch with their customers and colleagues wherever they may be — from the palm of their hand, their computer in the office or from home. The solution can be deployed in minutes across organisations of all sizes, allowing employees to communicate effectively from within the organisation and handle sophisticated telephony choices and video calling internally and externally.

So, it’s pretty great. But every business has different requirements — we hear you. That’s why our Invosys Flow offering is fully customisable to suit every team, every business and every need…

Customisable features await

Each user has access to an easy-to-use browser, desktop or mobile app that can be used in conjunction with one another; synchronise Google or Microsoft users and see all other users within the organisation for an ‘instant’ communication experience.

Looking for a bit of control? Useful functionalities such as whisper announcements, disaster recovery and out-of-hours options are in your hands. Select which devices you want to receive notifications on and edit by profile. Whichever profile you’re operating from, you can customise which notifications you receive and when with the click of a button.

Many of our customers prioritise number presentation as part of their standard business protocol. Understandably, you’ll probably want to present your call as a company number rather than your personal direct dial number. Our caller ID allows you to present any number you’d like from within your account — and number porting has never been easier. Our flexible number presentation feature means you can start presenting company numbers even before they’ve been ported to us. Yes, now we’re just showing off…

Thanks to our industry-leading call management platform, Invosys Flow reaps the benefits of Number Manager. We like to think that Invosys Flow is where end-user communication happens, and Number Manager is where partners customise it — a happy union that creates seamless communication!

The vast array of inbound and outbound call handling features and services allow you to control complex call routing solutions — suitable for any business type.

Routed calling

We’ve redeveloped our outbound call restrictions feature specifically for this product, enabling you to fine-tune the allowed destinations required for your business to ensure you never have to query calls to spurious destinations.


This call restrictions feature can be locked down at the account level or the user level and can even specify individual numbers you wish to allow or deny. Blocking pesky spam calls or harmful scammers can also be controlled with our Call Shield filter further enhancing your security requirements and making sure every valuable call counts.

Call barring

Simple controls allow you to select which users to include in a call-routing plan and modify inbound settings, such as CLI presentation and outbound call barring. Calls can also be directed to frontline employees (to save company directors and CEOs from being bombarded with incoming calls — you’re welcome).

The future is unified

With Invosys Flow, the options are endless, from both a partner and end-user perspective. Optimise your communication with a platform that has flexible, reliable and revolutionary solutions at its forefront.

Does it get better? Unbelievably, yes. We’re continuously working to make this platform as versatile and customisable as possible. As we speak, we’re working on a toggle feature to enable users to switch calls between devices. Picked up a call on your mobile and need to change to your laptop? No problem… we told you, we’re show-offs.

 Are you ready to unlock the features of Invosys Flow and revolutionise the way you work? We thought so. Discover more about the future of unified communications, our Invosys Flow platform, and get in touch with our team at sales@invosys.com. We’re more than happy to help.