Avaya is recognised as one of the leading global providers of communications solutions, with a vision of reimagining how people and businesses engage and experience the world.

Like Invosys, Avaya strives to create boundary-pushing, transformative solutions that make the complex simple — but ‘simple’ isn’t the word Avaya would use to describe its journey from 2022 to now. Let us set the scene…

In July 2022, Alan Masarek was appointed Avaya’s president and CEO. Masarek stepped in during a whirlwind of debt, bankruptcy (the company had filed for Chapter 11 in 2017) and falling stock shares (down by 97% in 2022). It’s fair to say the company’s financial state had seen better days.

That December, The Wall Street Journal reported the company was filing for Chapter 11 for the second time to ‘restructure its balance sheet, in a bid to turn around its business and move past accounting problems’.

From the outside, it might have seemed like Avaya was a sinking ship. But thanks to a change in crew and captaincy, loyalty from its investors and clientele and an ocean of potential, Avaya turned itself around.

The magic behind Avaya

Under the helm of Alan Masarek, transformative changes have been set in motion, propelling Avaya towards a promising horizon.

His focus has been establishing the ‘five pillars of transformation’, which are crucial for redefining Avaya’s operational and strategic landscape. These pillars include culture (transforming the DNA of Avaya), portfolio (streamlining Avaya’s portfolio with a focused approach), costs (eliminating $500 million in operational overheads), organisation (simplifying and globalising its organisational structure) and capital (addressing the capital structure with a $650 million infusion).

Despite these internal changes, Avaya’s customers remain loyal.

Currently, 92% of global utilities, 96% of the world’s top 50 banks and 92% of the largest American hostels and casinos rely on Avaya. Oh, and don’t forget about the governments across 40 countries, 4,800 global education institutions and over 5,800 healthcare organisations worldwide.

The statistics speak for themselves: there’s an enduring trust in Avaya’s brand that runs deep for many organisations. One of them you may know? Invosys!

The recent developments at Avaya have been nothing short of inspiring, which is why Invosys are proud to be collaborating with Avaya during its most transformative phase yet.

Together, we’re bringing a revolutionary unified communications subscription to the SME market. Combining voice, messaging, video and conference capabilities into the ultimate hybrid cloud solution, Avaya IP Office subscriptions is here to bridge the gap for customers using outdated systems, allowing them to migrate to future-proof platforms.

Avaya and Invosys: an empowered collaboration

Avaya IP Office isn’t exactly new — but it’s undoubtedly had a face-lift. Avaya’s previous customer base is still there and loyalty remains strong. However, our new bundled offering can provide customers with more than just a unified communications solution.

Avaya IP Office is now primed and ready for today’s challenges, especially as we transition from traditional voice interaction to digital interactions. After all, if Avaya’s journey has taught us anything, it’s that adaptability in the telco industry is vital.

So, what does this mean for your customers?

For customers hesitant to switch to cloud communications, the hybrid cloud is a perfect solution. By splitting their workload between a public cloud and a small-scale private cloud, organisations can move at their own pace to see what best suits their enterprise.

Easy-to-add features and upgrades are sewn into the fabric of Avaya IP Office subscriptions, making it easier than ever for customers to advance their digital transformation without committing a whole organisation to the cloud.

With Avaya IP Office subscriptions, customers will benefit from a highly reliable, powerful and easy-to-use unified communications platform — combining voice, messaging, video and conference capabilities into a single phone system. Want to work on the go? Users can make and receive calls from their desk phones, softphones, mobile devices or even web browsers — at any time, from anywhere.

Plus, all calls will be routed through our Number Manager platform, forwarding them to the IPO via a SIP destination. This intuitive plug-and-play app can also be integrated with loads of other Invosys products, such as our intelligent Invosys Call Shield solution.

Take your customers to the hybrid cloud

We know that every customer is different, which means every journey to the cloud is unique. That’s why Avaya IP Office has been created as a best-of-both-worlds solution — innovating the cloud migration process without disrupting business…

Although we’re introducing some shiny new Avaya IP Office features, existing customers will still benefit from investment protection. As this Invosys and Avaya collaboration seamlessly integrates with older handsets, there’s no need for your customers to reinvest in expensive hardware. And since we’re not bidding farewell to the traditional IP Office features customers know and love, businesses won’t need to retrain their staff to reap the rewards of this telco solution upgrade.

We’re excited about our journey with Avaya and our pioneering solution — aiming to reach new heights, redefine the competition and create more innovative choices for our customers. It’s a promising road ahead, and the enthusiasm we’ve seen so far is a testament to Avaya’s unwavering commitment to delivering exceptional value to the telco market.

Are you ready to join us?

To discover more about Avaya IP Office subscriptions and our growing partnership with Avaya, get in touch with our sales team at 0161 444 3333 or email sales@invosys.com.