mental health in the workplace

Movember: Improving Mental Health in the Workplace

Let’s be honest.

With extended lockdowns and plenty of negativity in the news, COVID-19 didn’t exactly improve our collective mental health. Still, one positive to come out of the pandemic is that it highlighted the importance of mental well-being in the workplace — especially for those of us working in the telecommunications sector and facing new challenges in the increasingly digital world.

The telco industry is always changing. Performance standards are constantly being set, and new competition is met daily. Without proactive measures to maintain a healthy work-life balance, working in such a pressurised environment can cause burnout and anxiety — bad news for employers and employees.

At Invosys, we’ve always taken mental health seriously. We employ dedicated, trained mental health champions within the business who are assigned to encourage employees to talk out any feelings they may have about their work or personal lives and ensure steps are taken to resolve issues before they escalate.

All our managers also participate in mental health training, delivered by Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) England, to help them recognise potential issues within their teams. This investment allows us to ensure our employees are as healthy and happy as they can be during these trying times.

So, what else can you do to improve well-being within your business? In the spirit of Movember, the annual global initiative that encourages people to grow out their moustaches for sponsorship to help fund men’s mental health research, we thought we’d share some advice…

Set your boundaries


Many telco professionals have adapted to hybrid or remote working. Although there are many benefits to this flexible approach, setting new boundaries and knowing when your day starts and ends can sometimes be difficult.

When your home becomes the office, and the office becomes inescapable, having all-hours access to business calls and emails can blur the line between professional and personal life. We’re all familiar with the unhealthy temptation to carry on working whilst ‘off the clock’, from answering emails in bed to taking calls during lunch breaks.

That’s why creating communication agreements with your teammates and household is crucial. Try to separate your workspace from your living areas where possible, and make sure your day finishes when your working hours do to set clear boundaries and diffuse the stress you may be feeling.

 Stick to a schedule

There are only so many hours in a day. And sometimes, as the tasks pile up and the calls keep coming, it can all get a bit overwhelming.

How you choose to organise your workday can make all the difference. Do you have a daily schedule or routine to follow? If not, set some alarms to structure your day. Arrange specific times to take breaks, go outside at lunchtime or ensure you clock off promptly — whatever works best for you.


From lowering stress levels and boosting productivity to feeling more focused and confident, sticking to a solid routine can play an essential role in improving your mental health and help better manage work-related anxiety.

Keep it moving

Whether in an office or your home, it’s important to stay active — especially when you spend a big chunk of your day sitting at a desk (or kitchen table or sofa).

Besides keeping fit, regular physical activity can benefit your overall health in loads of ways, releasing positive chemicals in your brain that can go a long way to boosting your mental well-being.

Think about the opportunities there are to move during your workday. Take a walk around your home or garden whilst taking a work call. Schedule regular active breaks. Incorporate some simple stretches into your wake-up and wind-down routines. These actions may seem small, but they really can make an impact on your mood!

Talk it out

Working in telecommunications can sometimes be a lonely bag. Many of us work from home, but even in the office, getting wrapped up in day-to-day responsibilities can leave us feeling isolated.

Nurturing healthy work relationships is a great way to look after your mental health. Don’t underestimate the good that casual catchups with a colleague can do or the difference it can make to have occasional face-to-face meetings with clients.

It’s not just nostalgia for pre-pandemic days that makes the idea of in-person meetings so inviting. Everyone feels the need to connect with other people, and socialising has a massive impact on our outlook and behaviours. So, move that meeting from Teams to a coffee shop when you can and notice the good it does for your well-being.


Stay connected with Invosys Flow

Enabling open communication and collaboration is the first step to combatting poor mental health in the workplace. That’s where Invosys Flow comes in…

Invosys Flow allows you to respond to clients through an instant message, share a file or follow up with a call — all in one place. This hosted solution keeps you connected with your colleagues and broader teams from anywhere, anytime, allowing employees to communicate effectively and reactively.

Whether you’re implementing Invosys Flow in your workplace or spreading the word about its incredible features to your customers, this unified communications solution goes beyond telephony. From enhancing internal communications to providing 24/7 technical support for additional peace of mind, this customisable system can help your business close the remote working gap and protect the mental well-being of its workers.

 You know what they say, after all. Communication is key!

Ready to get unified? As a telco company, we strive to improve work-life balance by keeping people connected. Talk to our friendly team of experts to learn more about our beloved Invosys Flow solution today.